like Bradley Horowitz, and everyone who has an interest in books and Google + Thank you for this introduction. When the subject overseas I never know. You're welcome like I saw a rough impression, as the producers are thrilled. Some are embarrassed at the same time point of the author but thanks a lot. Introduction to Google +, can interact in the digital age of information throughout all, there is meant only to convey a picture of their paper away from the world of doujinshi online. Many of you saw the authors of this article has been puzzled that the digital image is exposed as well for users who have not purchased. Thanks to the introduction capped so that many people still meets the eye. We would like to plan for future reference. Please look forward to the future Bradley Horowitz様、ならびにGoogle+本に興味を持ってくださった皆様へ 本の紹介ありがとうございます。まさか日本の外まで話題になるとは思っていませんでした。 おおよその感想を拝見しましたが歓迎頂いているようで、制作側としても嬉しいです。 ただ制作者の多くが感謝と同時に戸惑っている点もあります。 Google+をはじめ、情報の終始全てがデジタルでやり取りできる時代の中、オンラインの世界から離れた同人誌という紙...