踊らされたくないね。 Originally shared by Fumitake Ishibashi "元記事読め、と。読んでからより正確な情報を流すようにしないと、リテラシー全然あがらないし、人に迷惑かける。" http://d.hatena.ne.jp/lovelovedog/20111028/hamusoku
文句言ってる人は、こういうことを理解しているのかな? Originally shared by Shiina Shunsuke (Yutuki) まあカネあるのになんで被災地に使わないで外国に持ってくんだってのは思うよねえ。でも日本がやたら大量に持ってる金はドルなんだ。被災地支援に使おうと円に替えると今よりさらに超円高になって中小どころじゃなく大手企業も死んで超不景気になって被災地支援どころの話じゃなくなるという。 https://twitter.com/#!/sanarium/status/126832830121656320
Google+ will support psuedonyms soon. :-) Straight from the Vicster :-) Here's a tweet from the guy who heard him say it while Vic was speaking at this conference today: http://www.web2summit.com/web2011 http://twitter.com/#!/swiftstories/status/126770022407348226
ラリー・ペイジの宣伝乙POST Originally shared by Larry Page I've absolutely loved using my pre-release Galaxy Nexus phone running the new version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich. It is truly beautiful hardware with incredible software. Today in Hong Kong, our partners from Samsung took the stage with Andy Rubin, and introduced the world to the Galaxy Nexus and Android 4.0, also known as Ice Cream Sandwich. Both Google and Samsung spent a lot of time getting everything right, and it really shows! People are at the heart of Ice Cream Sandwich with an amazing new contact manager. We focused on re-inventing sharing on mobile devices. This is what I was talking about when I recently mentioned one way to think about Google+ is that over the last quarter we shipped the +, and now we’re going to ship the Google part. There are ton of other features from super fast camera with amazing panorama mode and 1080p video to Voice Typing which transcribes text nearly instantly as you speak. You can even unl...
Google+ のエンジニアが、Google 社内サークルだけで公開しようと思った文章を、一般公開でポストしてしまったらしい。それが再共有されてしまったので、元ポストが消されても残ってしまってるという状態( こんな感じ http://goo.gl/khddl ) Google+ is a knee-jerk reaction, a study in short-term thinking, predicated on the incorrect notion that Facebook is successful because they built a great product. どうもこの辺りの表現が問題になってるようだが…… http://siliconfilter.com/google-engineer-google-is-a-prime-example-of-our-complete-failure-to-understand-platforms/ http://siliconfilter.com/google-engineer-google-is-a-prime-example-of-our-complete-failure-to-understand-platforms/