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Originally shared by Theresa VanHoose

The Moon exudes a cool, feminine, silvery-feeling energy that rules the life-giving waters of our planet--the rains, tides, and dew--as well as those in the physical body, such as menstrual cycles and other bodily fluids. She also rules all emotional responses. Raw, properly focused emotion energizes magic. For this reason, many practitioners work in conjunction with a phase of the Moon's cycle that is in harmony with their magical intent.

Waxing: This phase occurs when the Moon grows from dark to full. In this phase, the Moon provides the proper energy for magical efforts requiring growth or enhancement. It is a good time for beginnings, fresh starts, and new love and is of benefit in building businesses, friendships, partnerships, and financial prosperity. The waxing phase also provides suitable conditions for planting herbs, developing psychism, and increasing physical health and well-being.

To seal spells performed during the waxing Moon, use this chant or one of your own choosing: "Oh, Maiden Moon, now hear my plea: Hearken, hearken unto me! As you grow, my spell enhance--And power its magic with Your dance!"

Full: The Moon's energy is most intense when She reaches abundant fullness. Any magical effort, especially difficult ones, can benefit greatly from the potency of this phase. Use the full Moon to amplify magical intent and to give spellworkings additional power.

To seal spells performed during the full Moon, use this chant or one of your own choosing: "Abundant Mother, Moon so bright, Hear my plea upon this night. Your fertile power lend this spell; Make it potent, strong, and well."

Waning: The shrinkage of the Moon from full to dark is called the waning phase, and it offers an energy suitable for recession, peaceful separation, or elimination. Use the waning Moon to end undesirable eating patterns, break bad habits, or to remove yourself from dysfunctional partnerships or stressful situations. Its energies favor any magical effort requiring decrease or removal.

To seal spells performed during the waning Moon, use this chant or one of your own choosing: "Oh Aging One of grace, now hear: With your guidance, this spell steer. Remove all blocks and hesitation, And take it to its destination."

Dark: Some practitioners use this phase as a period of rest. They find it useful for regeneration, relaxation, and gathering for the creative phase of the waxing Moon. Others prefer to use it for meditation, psychic power, enhancement, or for delving into past life memories to help them better understand current difficulties. Dark Moon energy also lends itself to divination and matters where truth is an issue.

To seal spells performed during the dark Moon, use this chant or one of your own choosing: "I call on You, Oh Crone so wise--One Who rules the darkest skies. Come and be my treasured Guest, And aid me on this magical quest."

Blessed Be,



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