YouTubeチャンネルには影響ありません、と。まあ、結構前に切り離されてたもんなあ。 Originally shared by Peggy K The shutdown of Google+ will NOT affect your YouTube channel, your channel's Brand Account, or your YouTube verification badge from Google+ verification Please note, your existing YouTube channel, videos, playlists and comments are not affected by this change, unless explicitly outlined below. Brand accounts will continue to exist without Google+ so you can continue to use them with other Google products such as YouTube channels. YouTube verification badges from G+ verification are not impacted by this deprecation. What WILL change are the few remaining Google+ features on YouTube: * You will not be able to edit your channel icon or cover art in the YouTube mobile app * Videos that were previously shared privately with a Google+ circle will no longer be available to view by members of the circle. * Google+ links on your channel About tab and banner will be removed * For versions of the YouTube mobile app befor...