わりと大きく変わるっぽい? •より良いスパム制御 •拡張コミュニティモデレーション •ウェブユーザーエクスペリエンスの改善 •より直感的なナビゲーションと発見 •クリーナー通知 Originally shared by Leo Deegan What's new with Google+ Hey there Plussers! I'm your friendly neighborhood Server Eng Manger, and I wanted to take a little time to tell you some of the great things the G+ team is working on. As always, we listen carefully to your feedback, and in the coming months, we'll be focusing on your most highly requested areas of improvement, including: • Better spam control • Enhanced community moderation • Improvements to the web user experience • More intuitive navigation and discovery • Cleaner notifications And more that we'll reveal as they become available ;) We've heard your desire to stay informed about G+ product updates. Going forward, you can expect to hear more from me; our Product Managers, like John Nack, our Program Managers, like Carter Gibson; and Community Managers, like Leanne Osborne and Madeleine DeRome. We'll try our best ...